Config File

DRZ = {}
DRZ.Debug = true

DRZ.Language = "en" -- cz or en
DRZ.NotifyType = "ox" -- okok or ox (okokNotify or ox_lib)
DRZ.MenuType = "target" -- target or textui (ox_target or ox_lib)
DRZ.MenuKey = 'E' -- Only if DRZ.MenuType = "textui"
DRZ.InfoKey = 'G' -- Only if DRZ.MenuType = "textui"
DRZ.Item = 'money' -- The name of the item to be removed
DRZ.Disable = "f" -- all or f

DRZ.PlaneModel = "luxor" -- Plane model
DRZ.PedModel = "s_m_y_pilot_01" -- Ped model
DRZ.PedMenuModel = "a_m_y_business_01" -- Ped model

DRZ.LosToCayoPrice = 3500 -- Price from Los Santos to Cayo Perico
DRZ.LosToSandyPrice = 4000 -- Price from Los Santos to Sandy Shores
DRZ.LosToGrapePrice = 5000 -- Price from Los Santos to GrapeSeed
DRZ.LosToCayo = true -- Set true if you want travel to Cayo Perico from Los Santos
DRZ.LosToSandy = true -- Set true if you want travel to Sandy Shores from Los Santos
DRZ.LosToGrape = true -- Set true if you want travel to GrapeSeed from Los Santos
DRZ.LosSantosMenu = vector4(-1045.9106, -2751.8953, 21.3634, 326.9346) -- Location for opening the menu
DRZ.LosSantosPedSpawn = true -- Set true if you want spawn ped 
DRZ.LosSantosPed = vector4(-1045.9106, -2751.8953, 21.3634, 326.9346) -- Ped location
DRZ.LosSantosBlipSpawn = true -- Set true if you want spawn blip
DRZ.LosSantosBlip = vector4(-1045.9106, -2751.8953, 21.3634, 326.9346) -- Blip location
DRZ.LosSantosBlipSprite = 90 -- Blip sprite
DRZ.LosSantosBlipScale = 1.0 -- Blip scale
DRZ.LosSantosBlipColor = 3 -- Blip color

DRZ.CayoToLosPrice = 3500 -- Price from Cayo Perico to Los Santos
DRZ.CayoToSandyPrice = 7000 -- Price from Cayo Perico to Sandy Shores
DRZ.CayoToGrapePrice = 8000 -- Price from Cayo Perico to GrapeSeed
DRZ.CayoToLos = true -- Set true if you want travel to Los Santos from Cayo Perico
DRZ.CayoToSandy = true -- Set true if you want travel to Sandy Shores from Cayo Perico
DRZ.CayoToGrape = true -- Set true if you want travel to GrapeSeed from Cayo Perico
DRZ.CayoPericoMenu = vector4(4520.3208, -4515.5435, 4.4779, 19.2054) -- Location for opening the menu
DRZ.CayoPericoPedSpawn = true -- Set true if you want spawn ped 
DRZ.CayoPericoPed = vector4(4520.3208, -4515.5435, 4.4779, 19.2054) -- Ped location
DRZ.CayoPericoBlipSpawn = true -- Set true if you want spawn blip
DRZ.CayoPericoBlip = vector4(4520.3208, -4515.5435, 4.4779, 19.2054) -- Blip location
DRZ.CayoPericoBlipSprite = 90 -- Blip sprite
DRZ.CayoPericoBlipScale = 1.0 -- Blip scale
DRZ.CayoPericoBlipColor = 3 -- Blip color

DRZ.SandyToLosPrice = 4000 -- Price from Sandy Shores to Los Santos
DRZ.SandyToCayoPrice = 7000 -- Price from Sandy Shores to Cayo Perico
DRZ.SandyToGrapePrice = 2500 -- Price from Sandy Shores to GrapeSeed
DRZ.SandyToLos = true -- Set true if you want travel to Los Santos from Sandy Shores
DRZ.SandyToCayo = true -- Set true if you want travel to Cayo Perico from Sandy Shores
DRZ.SandyToGrape = true -- Set true if you want travel to GrapeSeed from Sandy Shores
DRZ.SandyShoresMenu = vector4(1726.6528, 3289.8027, 41.1819, 229.3049) -- Location for opening the menu
DRZ.SandyShoresPedSpawn = true -- Set true if you want spawn ped 
DRZ.SandyShoresPed = vector4(1726.6528, 3289.8027, 41.1819, 229.3049) -- Ped location
DRZ.SandyShoresBlipSpawn = true -- Set true if you want spawn blip
DRZ.SandyShoresBlip = vector4(1726.6528, 3289.8027, 41.1819, 229.3049) -- Blip location
DRZ.SandyShoresBlipSprite = 90 -- Blip sprite
DRZ.SandyShoresBlipScale = 1.0 -- Blip scale
DRZ.SandyShoresBlipColor = 3 -- Blip color

DRZ.GrapeToLosPrice = 5000 -- Price from GrapeSeed to Los Santos
DRZ.GrapeToCayoPrice = 8000 -- Price from GrapeSeed to Cayo Perico
DRZ.GrapeToSandyPrice = 2500 -- Price from GrapeSeed to Sandy Shores
DRZ.GrapeToLos = true -- Set true if you want travel to Los Santos from GrapeSeed
DRZ.GrapeToCayo = true -- Set true if you want travel to Cayo Perico from GrapeSeed
DRZ.GrapeToSandy = true -- Set true if you want travel to Sandy Shores from GrapeSeed
DRZ.GrapeSeedMenu = vector4(2138.3040, 4796.5469, 41.1208, 21.6563) -- Location for opening the menu
DRZ.GrapeSeedPedSpawn = true -- Set true if you want spawn ped 
DRZ.GrapeSeedPed = vector4(2138.3040, 4796.5469, 41.1208, 21.6563) -- Ped location
DRZ.GrapeSeedBlipSpawn = true -- Set true if you want spawn blip
DRZ.GrapeSeedBlip = vector4(2138.3040, 4796.5469, 41.1208, 21.6563) -- Blip location
DRZ.GrapeSeedBlipSprite = 90 -- Blip sprite
DRZ.GrapeSeedBlipScale = 1.0 -- Blip scale
DRZ.GrapeSeedBlipColor = 3 -- Blip color

DRZ.LosSpawnCoords = vector4(-1037.6522, -2737.8750, 20.1693, 330.4859) -- Spawn location in Los Santos
DRZ.CayoSpawnCoords = vector4(4491.5322, -4513.2554, 4.0946, 20.0104) -- Spawn location on Cayo Perico
DRZ.SandySpawnCoords = vector4(1754.6462, 3295.2402, 41.1409, 198.8423) -- Spawn location in Sandy Shores
DRZ.GrapeSpawnCoords = vector4(2146.1111, 4797.2451, 41.1012, 32.0010) -- Spawn location in GrapeSeed

Last updated